Rice Architecture
Nathan Ehrlich
Alex Pina
Fenghua Lin
The experiment explores different conditions of using the rock, a load element, to achieve equilibrium in a rather unstable system. The rock functions as the keystone for the structure as the system would collapse without it. A wide range of material is carefully selected for the experiment to develop contrasts between light and heavy, solid and transparent, tension and compression. The experiment also sets up an organic appearance to resonate with similar naturally formed equilibrium. Within the system, the triangular plane is experiencing both the tension and compression forces, similar to a beam, tension conducts on the top of the plane, and the compression acts on the bottom of the plane. A solely tension or compression element does not exist in the system, as there are basically three supports, and they are standing freely with only force of
friction for stability. These elements would experience tension due to the weight of the rock (load), and compression in resistance to the ground friction force.