Rice Architecture
Gabriel Gomes Raymundo
Lorraine Kung
Ignis Zhang
This project is an investigation about how a seemingly “weak” material is actually strong through a series of creases. These creases distribute the weight. Through these iterations of creases we created strong nodes that distributed the weight evenly. We first investigated creases through the iterative process of modules, with each module increasing in complexity of creases, and distribution of forces. Once we finished this modular exploration, we then advanced our strongest module to create a surface of interlocking modules. With each different module, and with each puzzle-locking module we weight tested to see how strong the formation is. Through this process we learned and saw the distribution of forces in real time. Finally, we tried a stiffer paper to push our logic and module to the next extreme. From here we are able to extrapolate that with the right material, this module and system would create a strong structural surface.